At the Twin Cities Auto Show there is a seperate room featuring Luxury Cars and Muscle Cars called the Luxury Ballroom, which I created the logo for using the Luxury Lane logo from previous years and designing the Acceleration Alley and Luxury Ballroom logos from scratch. A bonus to this design was that the art also needed to work on an entrance gate to the room. I worked with the director of the auto show and decided which entrance unit to design from took it from there.  

In addition to the Luxury Ballroom entrance unit, RAM came in as a big sponsor for another entrance unit at the last minute, so I came up with and designed that unit as well. 

The Neighborhood is another area of the auto show that required an entrance unit. I created the design the previous year so we were able to reuse some existing panels while creating new panels for the current years special features, like Zues McClurkin from the Harlem Globetrotters. 

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